Maximize Team Performance and Results
Are your teams performing at their highest capacity and delivering the results needed?
If you have a mission-critical team that needs attention, follow our top three recommendations:
Raise the Bar on Teams: Select teams who need to take performance to the next level, deliver a key product or service, or face high attrition, low engagement, and waning performance.
Prioritize Impact: Collaborate with the team leader to set measurable improvement goals tied directly to business impact. Then, upskill the manager to drive positive outcomes.
Accelerate Performance: Enroll the entire team in team coaching and upskilling, creating a cohesive environment where everyone supports and uplifts one another.
How do you upskill your managers and coach them in a meaningful way?
From years of behavioral research and experience in developing talent, here’s our top piece of advice:
Focus on Business Impact First
Sounds simple, right? But what does this actually entail?
Let’s examine the traditional model. With good intentions, you may focus on a team essential to delivering new products but have scored poorly on employee surveys regarding collaboration and thinking out of the box. Well-meaning, you decide the team needs to learn to collaborate and innovate better. You organize workshops and even bring in an expert to facilitate.
What often happens? The team engages in the workshops, provides positive feedback, and starts to apply some of the techniques they’ve learned. Yet, the reality is that the team manager and the team still struggle. Plus, the manager’s control-and-command style hinders morale rather than helping it. You ran excellent workshops to help the team, but then the inevitable question arises: so what?
The method of team upskilling and support is just as crucial as the content itself. It’s imperative that your training connects directly to specific leadership outcomes and business impacts. Otherwise, what’s the point?
Our Recommendation
Stop merely pushing skills or competencies. Instead, concentrate on the business impact—the team’s and their manager’s challenges or opportunities. For instance, the manager might say,
- “I need my team to deliver on time, and our track record is not great. How can I motivate them to deliver?“
and the team might say,
- “We are always working under the gun, and we are stressed out. How will we manage this next new product release without completely burning out?“
Since each team challenge, environment, and culture is unique, deliver a hyper-personalized upskilling and coaching experience tailored to address the specific business problem or opportunity. Ultimately, you can measure the results:
- “We delivered the new product one day early, which is unheard of!“
- “I am now coaching more than telling, and the team has risen to the occasion and delivered one day early! I am so proud of them!“
And, yes, the manager learned how to switch out his command and control style for a more collaborative and empowering approach, and the team learned how to innovate and collaborate in the process.
The Learning & Development arena is often seen as discretionary. The answer? Prioritize business impact.
“Mark’s team exceeded our ambitious targets, fostering an unprecedented spirit of collaboration because of management and team dynamics improvements. Now, everyone wants to be on his team!”
MEET Stuart: VP Product, 16 years experience
”Mark, a director reporting to me with 12 years of experience and eight direct reports, is wicked smart but has received negative feedback about his abrasive style. His team recently missed a critical deadline, and a key member left due to issues with teamwork and communication. With a significant product overhaul coming, we need Mark to lead and inspire and we need his team to perform at peak levels to meet our ambitious deadlines. How can we achieve this?”
We took a bold step forward by enrolling Mark and his entire team in a hyper-personalized upskilling program to ensure an on-time launch. Mark focused on improving his coaching skills and facilitating more effective meetings, while his team worked on enhancing productivity, fostering inclusive conversations, and learning to disagree constructively. With Gotara’s neuroscience-based approach, support from a third-party confidential coach, tailored content, and opportunities for on-the-job application, Mark and his team developed the cohesion and culture necessary for success.
The results? Within eight weeks, Mark’s team saw a noticeable difference in his style—less abrasive and more supportive. His team finished their first ambitious milestone four days early, unheard of in past efforts. And the best part is that people in other departments are asking to be on Mark’s team—a total 180 degree change!
Gotara Works
UP TO97%
of participants retained
UP TO76%
of participants had their careers accelerated within the 1st year
of participants rate a 20-80% improvement on specific skills
of participants made Moderate to Significant advancements towards their goal