We celebrate Cynthia Ector, a proven people, project, and product management leader currently at Cisco. Cynthia’s passion for supporting women and men in technical fields shines through, evident in her advice on Gotara. Our members are so grateful for her guidance and expertise! She only receives 5 out of 5 ratings on our platform, and as one member said:
“Thank you for all of this advice, I will reference it often…and thank you for your belief in my abilities!”
Cynthia is one of 150+ Senior Leaders who give advice to thousands of women and men in 175 countries on Gotara’s platform. Thank you, Cynthia, for your commitment to giving back to the community on the Gotara platform!
Are you a technical talent or a manager of diverse teams who longs for advice and mentorship in a safe space? Get the advice you need to navigate hurdles you may face or grow your career. Gotara is built by STEM + talent for STEM + talent, so we get it! Join Gotara and get FREE advice from elite advisors like Cynthia!