I’m a Software Engineer now working in data analytics and have 16 years of experience. I am working on a dashboard for my stakeholders. I want to make sure I am thinking about the dashboard in a way that is strategic, and which will drive action.

Original goal: “I want to be more strategic and a better problem solver.” 

Revised goal: By the end of this journey, I will be able to deliver the dashboard to the executive team.”



Gotara coach helped Asha select the right business acumen & leadership skills based on a root cause analysis of her situation.



    • Asha delivered the dashboard on time and found a way to decrease the time to refresh the data from 5 days to 3 hours.
    • She also said she is asking more strategic questions and speaking up in meetings.
    • She reports a significant improvement toward her goal and 40% improvement in her skills.
    • Her manager was amazed by what she had done and asked her to share her approach with her teammates.