We are excited to formally announce the Gotara Ally STAR Program, our purpose-built new solution to help leaders master allyship skills to create diverse high performing teams.
Like other Gotara STAR Programs, the new Ally STAR Program offers nanolearning career sprints, focused on upskilling, mentoring, and coaching, but with a specific focus on using allyship career sprints to create a positive impact in 8 weeks.
FOR THE ALLY, that means they will grow as a leader, be a talent magnet, improve team productivity and create an inclusive environment.
FOR THE ORGANIZATION, it means accelerated teamwork, higher productivity, increased innovation, and more revenue.
Allyship is defined as being a person who advocates and actively works for the inclusion of a marginalized or politicized group in all areas of society.
Allyship Is Key to Diverse, Innovative, and Productive STEM + Workplaces
The criticality of creating equal and inclusive environments to retain and grow a pipeline of leaders has never been higher. Too many women and underrepresented populations are leaving STEM + fields early in their career, which must stop if companies want to create the best possible outcomes for employees, shareholders, and society at large.
The status quo of traditional management skills just won’t cut it. By investing in upskilling leaders to gain an allyship mindset, they become far more effective in creating healthier win-win eco-systems that drive top and bottom-line growth for organizations.
Career Sprints for Allyship with Nanolearning
Central to the Gotara Ally STAR Program is real-time allyship training in a confidential space that focuses on genuinely removing bias, promoting inclusion, and increasing productivity. Gotara helps managers and leaders cultivate and master an allyship mindset by offering nanolearning:
- Just-in-time mentoring and coaching
- Bite-size daily career sprint upskilling modules that are applicable to work
- Innovative, relevant, and personalized content specific to allyship
Gotara’s Career Growth Platform
Other Gotara STAR Programs for employers of women in STEM + include the Rising STAR Program for new university graduates, and the North STAR Program focused on helping women throughout their careers improve productivity, increase their sense of value and self-confidence, and gain proficiency in career acceleration skills. Gotara Employer Insights Report helps organizations use data every step of the way to measure ROI and adapt STAR Programs in real-time for a more effective and productive DEI strategy, creating a pipeline of leaders.