Reach Report
The Career Report for Women in STEM +

The Gotara Reach Report explores strategies to build these skills based on the latest research as well as insights from inspiring women in STEM + who share the advice that changed their careers.
Issue #3
Gotara surveyed more than 13,000 members across 160 countries as well as non-members for our first half of 2022 Gotara REACH Report.
the great resignation is far from over

Post-Pandemic Assessment of Women in STEM + Careers
“Issue 3” of our first of 2022 REACH report offers a deep post-pandemic look at the careers of women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Companies who employ women in STEM + jobs should brace for immediate and continued resignations. Bold leadership needed to stop the attrition tsunami.
If you want to access our other REACH REPORTs, become a member and start your career-advice journey with us for free.
Gotara STAR Programs offer a unique approach to nanolearning that delivers positive impact in 8 weeks.

It looks like you're ready to REACH for the stars with your career. We've got your back! We'll send you the link to our Gotara REACH Report e-mag. You can read it online, or download it. #spiralup
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