In our Spring 2021 REACH REPORT we explore one of the most important skills a STEM+ woman needs to succeed: Strategic Thinking

Meet Gotara Advisor Susan Whiting
Never underestimate the power that one person has to change your life and your career path—even if it takes them less than 10 words to do so. Who was the one woman who inspired Susan to make a big move?

Gotara Advisor Yumiko shares her tips on when taking career risks leads to career success.
Yumiko Damashek says that she’s never been afraid to take career risks and that she’s a natural people magnet. Part of that is her personality, but what is her other secret power?

Meet Gotara STEM advisor Nevin Sant
The day Nevin Sant told her father that her career path didn’t involve going to medical school was the first time she saw him cry. Her becoming a doctor was their dream, but it wasn’t hers.