TaraBytesTM Blog

Stories to Inspire & Inform STEM+ Employers and Their Team Members

Redefine “Normal” to Counteract Mom Guilt

Redefine “Normal” to Counteract Mom Guilt

Mom Guilt—working mothers have experienced this at least once, if not multiple times, as we incorporate family and work into a purposeful life. As Marie Lalleman discusses in our latest TaraTalk, the guilt she experienced seemed a part of her DNA, and she recommends...

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You Don’t Need To Be Perfect—The 50/50 Rule

You Don’t Need To Be Perfect—The 50/50 Rule

This is an alert and reminder for STEM + women and parents raising girls! Even though this has been talked about for years in many publications, like FastCompany, too many women on Gotara's platform still think they need to be a perfect match for a job description...

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